Did you know there is literally billions of dollars currently sitting in uncontactable or inactive super accounts? You may have one of them!

Lost super can occur because benefits are not transferred when people change jobs. Your super isn’t automatically transferred to your new fund – you have to do it yourself.

Have you changed your name, address or lived overseas? These may also be reasons you may have unknowingly lost track of a super fund.

Sometimes people forget to claim their super when they retire, or they pass away without having nominated a beneficiary.

It’s important to keep track of your super so that you don’t lose any of your hard-earned benefits. You can use the ATO’s online services to keep track of your super, or you can contact your super fund directly.

Further Reading:

ATO article ‘Searching for lost super’ –

What Next?

  1. Search for and claim any of your lost or unclaimed super
  2. Consider consolidating multiple accounts into one super fund
  3. Contact your super fund to update your details if they have changed
Categories: Intermediate